Increasing medical concern over “Electro-Smog”
Do you have concerns or questions about
Electro-Magnetic Radiation? Or Radioactive Pollution?
Electrical Currents produce Electro-Magnetic Radiation.
Your mobile phone, your computer, your TV
and stereo system, all emit Electro-Magnetic Radiation.

There is increasing world wide medical concern
over the “Electro-Smog” we live in.
We are being challenged as never before to look at the damage we are causing to ourselves and our world.
We are all becoming more aware that serious and challenging health imbalances are emerging as side-effects of our modern convenience technology and lifestyle.
At Chiproductions we are committed to facing serious problems, finding sustainable solutions, restoring balance in our environment and working towards an intelligent, fair and healthy future for all.
Knowledge of non-thermal effects and sensible protection against them are now the central health challenges of the 21st century!
Offering you a world first in innovative technology, the EMF-Harmonizer Product Range from Chiproductions is designed to equalize and balance Electro-Magnetic Field distortions in your everyday life.
Get Your Protection Now!
EMF-Harmonizer foils are scientifically certified (Bio Balance Technology) effective.
"This is to certify that the product `Technical Foils for spacial magnetic field equalization` is able and appropriate to equalize gradiants of magnetic fields of geological or technical origin"
The International Institute for Research on Electromagnetic Compatibility (IIREC) in Graz, Austria
Published Medical Research on EMF/EMR Exposure
The following articles can be viewed directly in the PubMed database of the NCBI (National Centre for Biotechnology Information, USA) in abstract, or as full papers.
• Effects of electromagnetic radiation from a cellular phone on human sperm motility: an in vitro study
• Pooled analysis of two case-control studies on use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk for malignant brain tumours diagnosed in 1997-2003
• Tumour risk associated with use of cellular telephones or cordless desktop telephones
• Cellular phones: are they detrimental?
• Residential magnetic fields as a risk factor for childhood acute leukaemia: results from a German population-based case-control study
- Cell Phones Cause Brain Cancer, Scientists Warn (external source)
John Campbell interviews Dr. George Carlo about EMF and Cell Phone Dangers
- Campbell Live, primetime documentary talk show on TV3 NZ, aired 2006 (more info below)
Esteemed Epidemiologist Dr. Carlo, the cell phone industry's former chief scientist--an ultimate "insider"--warns that cell phones and the wireless Internet may pose a severe hazard to human health, and discusses the cell phone industry's marketing towards children and the epidemic projections from cell phone use.
George Carlo and Martin Schram are set to become information-age Ralph Naders. In their book "Cell Phones" (2001) they ask a question that ought to concern America's 103 million mobile phone users, as well as those who merely come within earshot of these popular devices: Is the wireless future a threat to public health?
"Visit any public building, college classroom, courthouse, or commuter train, and look around: You'll see people using not just wireless phones but also wireless laptop computers and miniature palm tops," write Carlo and Schram. "What you won't see are the microwaves that are criss-crossing a confined space where a number of people who are not even using these instruments are bombarded by these waves."
Carlo, an epidemiologist who once oversaw a multimillion-dollar research project on health for the cellular industry, believes the news is not good: there may be a link between cell phone use and brain tumors. The research is not conclusive en masse, but Carlo and Schram think it's disturbing enough to warrant government action. Needless to say, the industry that once backed Carlo's work now considers him persona non grata.
Even the most skeptical may want to take a few of the simple safety precautions the authors recommend in a concluding chapter, such as wearing a headset or earpiece when using a cell phone, in order to keep a distance from the radiation-emitting antennae. One look at the x-ray photos reproduced in the book, which show how radiation easily penetrates skulls, will give even the most impervious observer second thoughts. One thing is probably certain: This book is a harbinger of litigation. If Carlo and Schram are correct about their concerns, the cellular industry--as unbelievable as it sounds--may go the way of Big Tobacco.
"Cell Phones" G L Carlo & M Schram, 2001
Brain Cancer up 21% in the Last Decade in Australia
- An Interview with Renowned Neurosurgeon Charlie Teo
Studies show that brain tumors have replaced leukemia as the number one life-threatening disease for children in Australia, Europe and the UK. Brain tumors are the number 2 cause of death in children in the US.
Dr Charlie Teo — a pre-eminent neurosurgeon is at the cutting edge — literally — of a 21 per cent increase in children's brain tumours. He's curious about the effect mobile phones and Electro Magnetic Radiation [EMR] may be having on these statistics, and has issued a warning to parents to be aware...
So cautious is Dr Teo, the subject of his 12-year-old daughter having a mobile phone in their family, he confesses, is a sore point.
"The argument for her having a mobile phone was there are some benefits of it and that is in emergency situations, but she has promised me — she is a very sensible girl — she will use a loudspeaker facility all the time," he says.
Dr Teo has every right to be nervous; it is his personal belief that there may be an association between EMR and the development of brain cancer.
And while he is not seeking to be alarmist, he does want people to be more aware, especially with children.
It's a belief backed up by Senator Lyn Allison, who spent a year listening to the scientists to find out what the risks are. She discovered there is very good reason to worry.
"We're all a bit awash now in radio frequency and radio waves generally and we are not altogether sure what effect that has on us,' she says.
Senator Allison says that the fact that brain tumour is now the number one life-threatening disease for children — above leukaemia — is consistent with studies in Europe and the UK.
"[These studies show] there has been a 40 per cent across-the-board increase in the number of brain tumours in the past 20 years," she explains, "now that 20 years has coincided with the use of mobile phone and many other radio frequencies..."
And the thickness of a person's skull, according to scientific studies read by Senator Allison, can also distinguish levels of vulnerability.
"Scientists say that the thickness of the skull in children makes a difference, it is quite thin compared with adults and there is more brain fluid — which means that the radiofrequencies can travel through the brain more easily," she says.
Dr Teo offers more specific evidence of patients whose tumours correspond with their use of mobile phones.
"When patients come in with a brain cancer, I often say to them, "your cancer was on the right side of the brain, it is in the area just above your ear, can you tell me if you feel that you have had more exposure than most people to mobile phones," and I am surprised that most people say, "yes I have used my phone continuously for the last seven years and it is always stuck to my ear on this side..." well that is where the cancer is.
Canberra parents Geoff and Denise McConnell have had their own personal experience of these statistics. They lost their seven-year-old daughter Kessia to a brain tumour.
"I wouldn't move in next to a telecom tower or mobile phone tower and certainly if there were heavy duty electrical wires I would be very uncomfortable," says Geoff.
A new study suggest cell use could lead to cancer. Study exposed human and rat cells to low level radioation. Frequency used in study is similar to one in cell phones. Low levels of radiation from handsets interfere with cells. Cell division encourages the growth of tumors.
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Magnetic antennas in the brain act stressed –
by ultra-high frequencies
Raednig thsee wrods semes to be qiute esay ?
Yes – surprisingly about 95% of people whose mother tongue is English can read this quite easily.
But if you had to use a dictionary because your mother tongue is German or Japanese you wouldn’t have had a chance.
Ardneig etshe drosw emses to be tequi yaes – would be virtually impossible to make sense of even for an English language professor.
Up to a certain degree we seem to be able to order such linguistic distortions and make sense of them. But if the chaos becomes too big it becomes impossible to get the information in the order of the letters.
Why have I chosen this example? The title indicates that this article has to do with ultrahigh frequencies!
Please be patient and read on... in the paragraphs following you will discover a shocking truth.
Research by Joseph Kirschvink from the highly acclaimed “California Institute of Technology” discovered the so called ‘Magnetite-Crystals’ in our brain cells and the cerebral cortex.
He proved that:
- 5 million magnetite crystals per gram of brain cells
- 100 million magnetite crystals per gram of the cerebral cortex
Magnetite (Fe304) is the only naturally occurring magnetic material in the world. It is one million times more magnetic than any other natural material. Magnetite crystals act as antennas to receive very weak signals.
What does this mean for us? I will get back to this in a moment but first you must understand this:
For many thousands of years humans and all other living forms have had plenty of time to adapt to the slow changes in the earth’s magnetic field. The myriad of magnetite crystals happily lazing around in the brain must have always been playing a special role. Why else would there be so many and present all over the brain? The brain is only responsible for organizing the whole metabolism – like the chip in the computer – doing a mammoth task of trying to keep everything running smoothly!
We always had plenty of time to adapt to the tiny changes in the earth’s magnetic field as it is very constant and stable by nature.
Only just recently (in the blink of an eye – in earth’s history) the stability of our magnetic environment has changed dramatically.
Suddenly we are surrounded and penetrated by an artificial frequency salad which:
a) increasingly becomes more chaotic on a daily basis and
b) happens in a range of frequencies which have never existed before and
c) is distorting the earth’s natural magnetic field.
What does a distorted magnetic field mean for the organism? First we have to understand how our organism works. The body has its own electro-magnetic field which communicates constantly with its own and surrounding fields with predominantly low frequencies ( up to 30 Hz) for its own organization.
E.g. the hearts frequency is 7,8Hz and the liver acts on
4,6Hz (it is a little more complex than that but it is sufficient for now).
Brain functioning and organization of the whole metabolism is in very close relationship and keep – in the best case scenario - the internal order (coherence) intact.
As mentioned before: this development of internal order occurred slowly over thousands of years.
This coherence (inner order or flowing balance) is increasingly being bombarded with a steadily growing flood of ultra high frequencies and other artificial technical frequencies.
Artificial technical frequencies are disturbing the organism in many ways (e.g. opposing spin of electrons etc.) and confuse the internal communication of the body. More and more the cells and organs receive the wrong or senseless impulses. The body reacts to these technical impulses and tries to make sense of the information. And of course it can’t make sense.
The effect?
What’s more – ultra high frequencies and electro radiation change the frequencies in
water – ultra high frequencies are permanently imprinted in water and the human body is made up of 70% of water.
Resonance frequencies in water are non-chemical quality characteristics – they determine the biological value of the water for the body.
If the water is affected in the core biological area (0-30Hz) then this leads to:
- Deletion of frequencies
- Wrong phasing of frequencies (affects the water management in the body)
- Extra frequencies
- Elimination of coherence in the water
This leads to far reaching effects in many areas: Drinking water (actually in all liquid products), streams, rivers, lakes and – last but not least- in our body.
Visually expressed:
Raednig thsee wrods semes to be qiute esay ? turns more and more into: Ardneig etshe drosw emses to be tequi yaes?
It is increasingly difficult for the body to maintain its internal communication!
Now you can imagine what this means for an organism in the long term.
What can we do? Can we do anything?
I’m sure you’ll agree that it is highly unlikely that this environmental pollution of distorted magnetic fields is going to get any better soon.
‘Shielding’ or ‘Avoiding’ from ultra high frequencies is not possible – it is everywhere!
Your neighbor has a wireless network and you don’t?
You are not using a mobile phone?
Great – it’s just that the ultra high frequencies do not know this and will reach you anyway.
Our team of EMF-Harmonizer Technology researchers has approached this problem from a completely different perspective.
Our approach can be called ‘Applied Quantum Technology’ and the basis is the theory of the so called ‘morphic fields of order’.
In nature these morphic fields are the basis for order of all structures and processes.
These fields are currently not directly physically measurable with any technology however the effects of these fields are undeniable. They are self-governing and self-organising influences like
- Defining the form of all developing organisms (called morphogenetic fields)
- Morphic fields for patterns of behavior and recognition
- Morphic fields for cultural and social behavior
- Morphic fields for atomic, molecular and crystalline structures including their form
- Etc.
And – we like to add to the list: Morphic fields for subatomic and quantum dynamic processes. This is exactly the area in which we research and develop solutions.
All these multiple fields are interacting in a complex relationship and internal order with each other. And as described earlier are also affected by the many interferences and disturbances.
Our approach is the specifically targeted restoration of the natural order with specially designed quantum dynamic catalysts.
A catalyst is a material which triggers, amplifies or speeds up a process (e.g. of a chemical nature) without mixing with the end product or experiencing a permanent change in itself and a small amount has a big effect.
Now the most important question: ‘How can distorted and disturbed magnetic fields be brought back into order?’
Can ‘Ardneig etshe drosw emses to be tequi yaes?’ be ordered back to ‘Reading these words seems to be quite easy?’
Can the distortion and disturbance be filtered out and therefore the information becomes bio compatible again?
Yes, it can! (and it should)
Instead of chemical/technical catalysts we use so called transmaterial catalysts.
Transmaterial catalysts...
- are resonance carriers who‘s effects are not explainable from the material
properties of these systems alone
- create real changes even with technically caused frequency distortions
- effects can be proven with adequate testing methods
- do not work on a single component but influence the system as a whole
Over many years of research our team of scientists have developed a specific
transmaterial catalyst which can reorganizes these distorted fields so they become
compatible with our organism again. The body recognizes the impulse again and can
integrate it in its own morphic field of order (intrinsic data field) without any
disinformation or confusion.
The problem as mentioned before is that there is hardly any measuring technology
available today which can measure the effect of a transmaterial catalyst.
We achieved such clear and positive results with empirical or so called secondary effect measuring techniques such as bio-resonance, kinesiology, Kirlian photography etc. that we said that we would not give up until we would find a technology which can directly measure the catalysts effect.
And finally we found an internationally recognized institution ( who has the measuring technology and who scientifically tested and certified the effect of our
transmaterial catalyst to harmonize distorted magnetic fields.
IIREC International Institute on Research for Electromagnetic Compatibility writes:
- Conclusion of the scientific insights: only beyond the SAR value does the actual
protection against electronic and mobile telecommunications radiation begin!
- State and public studies themselves demonstrate the biological ineffectiveness of
the legal limit and the SAR value. Sensible biological protection against the
disturbing effects of electromagnetic fields and waves can only be provided on the
basis of quantum physical means of protection. This was already recommended in
an official document from the European Parliament back in 2001.
- IIREC is working together with leading scientists on an international level and is
providing its customers with the first suitable methods for measuring non-thermal
effects beyond the SAR value.
- Therefore, there is no longer any excuse to downgrade new protective technology
as humbug simply because the physical and biological basics are unfamiliar. Much
more importantly, we must now all ask ourselves what contribution we can make
so that the current adult and growing generations - our children - can use modern
technology, untroubled and without suffering long-term health impairment.
- Source:
A steadily growing amount of people around the world are using our transmaterial catalyst in form of a cell phone radiation protector chip for ultra high frequency devices (cell phones, cordless phones, wireless networks etc.) and electric and electronic devices (TV, computer, fridge, freezer, oven, washing machine, etc.). It is particularly important to protect children from these distorted fields as their biological window is still wide open
For any concerns about radioactive emissions use "ray-protector" body card additional to the EMF-Harmonizers !!
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