Purified Water is Essential!

You are invited to this special offer. Be prepared for coming cataclysm. (please bookmark this site! -  available only for a limited time)


Aqua Vitalizer




“Clean, quality water is the basis for our global survival – Quality is more than just removing dirt particles and calcium.”




The  supply  of pure,  clean  drinking  water has  become  increasingly problematic  around the  globe.  

Even  if quality  source  water  is  available  in  sufficient  quantities, it is then transported over long distances, and stored in containers such as water tankers, pipes, or storage tanks before  it reaches the consumers’ tap.  

Water quality is detrimentally compromised with the massive use of chemicals to meet government hygiene standards.

The  physical  methods  for  processing  water  also  have  a  negative influence  on  water quality (e.g. electro contaminants in the cluster structure of water).

The unique qualities of mountain, spring, and resurgence water such as purity, vitality, flavour,  ability  to  absorb  and  discharge  harmful substances  and  toxins  have  been compromised in stored, processed, and bottled water.  


This is a top priority health risk.


Experts  are  questioning  the  digestibility  of  bottled  mineral  water, particularly  for infants.

The internationally acclaimed water expert Grander writes:

Water  which  has  been  changed  through  heavy  metals,  nitrates  etc.  remains polluted  even  after  thorough  processing  (chemically  or  through  filtration), because the once stored oscillations or respective information stay intact. And this gives reason for concern for today’s water. “

There is a solution  for  the  increasing  pollution  of  water  through electromagnetic  fields  of  energetic  disturbance.  

Not  only  are  chemical  or  physical substances harmful, but also the insidious danger of the increasing oscillatory effect of contaminant information which are constantly mis-informing the organism, which have serious  consequences  for health  and  wellbeing.  This  accumulation  of  technical  and other energetic disturbance assumes an increasingly chaotic status - and will get worse...

Through  a  special  process,  our technology  stores  energetic  information  on Chips.  These  Chips  are  stimulated  to  transport  and  impart  specific information, complying exactly with the required needs at their deepest molecular level.

The  Aqua-Vitalizer  Chip  functions  via  a  retrieval  signal  which  emits information through  photon  communication  to  counteract  the  debilitating influences  at  various levels  to  re-programme  water  with  the  original energetic  message  of  pure,  clean mountain water.



Tap water 400 x magnified - notice the lack water crystals indicating poor quality

The same water 400 x magnified after 10 min.  of standing on the Aqua Vitalizer Chip Card. The water shows clear and strong crystals indicating energized vitality


With  the  Aqua-Vitalizer  Chip  Card,  which  is  the  size  of  a  credit  card, you  are  well equipped at home and away. Simply, put the Chip Card under the drink for at least ten minutes  and  you  will  be  surprised  with  the improvement  of  taste  and  feel  through energising and removing interferences from contaminant information!

Put the Chip Card under a water jug (up to 2 litres) or bottled water and have vitalized water ready at all times.

Each Aqua Vitalizer card is 7 years functional!

The card is  also useful in the  bathroom (brushing teeth)  and portable for work, school, travelling or eating out.


From the chart on the right you can see that liquids vitalized with the Chip card reach their optimum value after 10min.
Tested with Biophoton-Energy-Resonance-Spectroskopy



 Special offer

  • 1 Aqua Vitalizer card       $22.50
  • 5 Aqua Vitalizer cards     $90.-  (20% off)
  • 10 Aqua Vitalizer cards   $135.- (40% 0ff)

        plus shipping $3.-

  • 100 Aqua Vitalizer cards  $787.50 (65% off)

        plus shipping $15.-


Please order with PayPal below

If you can´t order with PayPal please contact us.

Delivery time is appr. 10 - 14 days after receiving payment (e.g   ->  USA/Europe)


AV-card specials


 Order 100+ Aqua Vitalizer cards with this button below (65% off)





















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